reno time

medford or. not the best show ever.. it was in the coolest place ever but a bunch of kids left after the first band. but yeah anyway after the show we did some skating and taco bell and went back to macks doorm to sleep. alex and me chose to sleep in the van and everyone else went back to the doorm alex went to sleep and worked on winning the comp. i went out smashed a squash, saw a racoon, kicked it with a bunch of kids, smoked with some freshmen, ate some hummas i found in a fridge, and watched that show on discovery where they slow stuff down. we got up and drove to california then to reno. we stayed at purple hoodies house and kicked it suuuper hard. anyway yeah then we are in reno checking out puppys and kicking it in with rad kids. this basement is gonna be soooooooo sick! lords has so much fucking gear.. wow. this is gonna be soo soo much fucking fun!im really bad at this i cant remember anything that happened. oh well.