Merch.. and stuff.
hit us p if you want some.



one left

out of print.
ALSO! we are playing in spokane with soul control and vanguard in like a month.
and we made more copies of head north, turn left.
one left
out of print.
ALSO! we are playing in spokane with soul control and vanguard in like a month.
and we made more copies of head north, turn left.
"I've had the fortunate opportunity to not only see More Than Heroes evolve from their original formation, but tour and become friends with them as well. Musically they lie in the same vein as Go It Alone, Another Breath, and Sinking Ships; but what sets these guys apart is that hardcore still matters to them. They display a passion and vigor unseen in most modern hardcore acts - whether it be between your ears or in front of you eyes. While being genuine has taken a back seat to popularity for most bands, More Than Heroes carves out their own niche with down-to-earth, honest, and solid songwriting.
Head North, Turn Left presents the band in the truest light possible. Melodic and emotionally heavy; every song feels fresh and apart from the rest with catchy guitar leads, subtle use of gang and guest vocals, and jazzy, solid drumming. More often than not, I find myself caught off guard or choked up by songs like Ralphie Parker, Susan, and Head North, Turn Left, even though they've been in constant rotation since mid-October.
More Than Heroes deserves so much more attention than they get. Constantly evolving and progressing; there just aren't enough good things I can say about this band. They have the work ethic to make things happen, and an honesty to admire.
Expect big things from these guys."
..from DEADHORSEZINE. Go check it out and bookmark the page!
Head North, Turn Left presents the band in the truest light possible. Melodic and emotionally heavy; every song feels fresh and apart from the rest with catchy guitar leads, subtle use of gang and guest vocals, and jazzy, solid drumming. More often than not, I find myself caught off guard or choked up by songs like Ralphie Parker, Susan, and Head North, Turn Left, even though they've been in constant rotation since mid-October.
More Than Heroes deserves so much more attention than they get. Constantly evolving and progressing; there just aren't enough good things I can say about this band. They have the work ethic to make things happen, and an honesty to admire.
Expect big things from these guys."
..from DEADHORSEZINE. Go check it out and bookmark the page!
reno time
medford or. not the best show ever.. it was in the coolest place ever but a bunch of kids left after the first band. but yeah anyway after the show we did some skating and taco bell and went back to macks doorm to sleep. alex and me chose to sleep in the van and everyone else went back to the doorm alex went to sleep and worked on winning the comp. i went out smashed a squash, saw a racoon, kicked it with a bunch of kids, smoked with some freshmen, ate some hummas i found in a fridge, and watched that show on discovery where they slow stuff down. we got up and drove to california then to reno. we stayed at purple hoodies house and kicked it suuuper hard. anyway yeah then we are in reno checking out puppys and kicking it in with rad kids. this basement is gonna be soooooooo sick! lords has so much fucking gear.. wow. this is gonna be soo soo much fucking fun!im really bad at this i cant remember anything that happened. oh well.
day something
so oly was nuts! the kids push moshed so fucking hard all night. one kid pushed me right into jeffs head actually. train yard and outlook were suuuper fucking rad og hardcore and black bagged has a good surprise. after the show we headed out to portland oregon. we crashed right when we got there at ashleys house then got up and kicked it downtown. we jammed around and hit up vegetarian house. i shit you not go to vegi house in portland! i have no reason to lie to you its soo fucking good! all vegan killer chinese! so yeah get at that. we left there and went straight up to the pizza place the show was at. we got to see some friends and we got some free soda! conquer was so so good as uge.. apoaaa was cool and behold was the jam! we played pretty well and i spilled a drink. tonight was a success over all. what else.. i dont know call us and we'll talk. fuck lucas he didnt get me a code red. anyway i fucking love behold. we all do. the music is way too good and the dudes are as real as they come. god damn it i love them. good night were gonna watch the happening at ashleys.
tour 1
so heres the deal. we are four days in at evergreen state college.. im gonna statrt at the begining.. four days in was a bad place to start. sooo about four days before tour james and me were in portland visiting our lovely girlfriends and were riding back the same day. james was gonna drop me off in tri and he was gonna keep going to spokane. on the drive up we decided i should go to spokane with him to learn bass for the songs cause i am filling in for will on tour. this is curt by the way. anyway, we stop by tri to get my computer and grabbed bryan. we went up to alexs moms house slash office to print our cds and make buttons. we ended up staying up all night making a million buttons and laughing our asses off. the next day we went up again to finish everything up when donnie from tacoma who was going to do our shirts called me and said he couldnt do them.. luckly alex is the jam and had extra shirts so we printed them up there. after four days of a little work and a ton of fun.. hah we got all of our merch done and were ready for the road. friday our first show was in richland. after hanging out with some super cool people we left for tri. echoes played some new stuff that fucking fucking ruled! josh had a bum ankle but it was still rad as shit. behold played and as expected.. thats super good, we played and had a good time then this band new tomorrow played and were so so fucking awesome! holy pis these guys were rad! for real be into them. the next day it was off to yakima. we hung out drank and kicked it all hard then got ready get nasty. pack of wolves played and were prety rad.. but the dudes were so so much fun! holy piss they were cool. ha. so yeah then we played alex came up and jammed out.. it was killer. then we behold played and kids banged there fucking heads soo so hard. it was unreal. after setting up for quite some time thee letting forth of fire played. i was blown away with these guys and gals. i had heard a ton about them but had never heard them.. wasnt quite what i expected but i was super siked on it. day three we headed out to tacoma and found out energy dropped off the show. bummer but its cool cause the other bands were the jam! life in hand form canida played first and were wayy too good. real cool guys and dope music. us and behold played i dommed alex with the head of my bass while playing with behold and go the mic stuck in the cealing, jeremy and alex came up and sang. shit got a little rowdy but fun. oh yeah rebuilt played before all that.. for some reason i thought it was after us. anyway last time we were gonna play with them they had to drop the show so i was pumpped to finaly see them. finaly vanguard played. those dudes have so much energy! holy piss. not only are they hella nuts they are the nices guys we have ever met. after the show we wnt to some sheries like place and some people got some food and we played quarters. it was an interesting mix of personalites. hah. so yeah now were in evergreen state college playing pool till the show. cool deal. be good.
done recording.
holy piss the last three days have been long as shit.
night one we got to jeremys and fell asleep not too long after we got there around 3 in the morning and started morning one shortly after al 10am. we planned on doing four maybe five songs but we got the drums set up hella fast and anferny aced the five songs we originally set out to do in about an hour or so so he kept on trucking and turned out ten songs. jeff was up next and got through those ten songs super quick aswell. bryan got all set up started ricing off songs quick as shit too. he got about half way done before we called it quits for the day. after that it was pizza time! we ate and had some beer and kicked it pretty hard over a game of poker for the rest of the night.
day two bryan hauled balls through the rest of the songs as did lucas. i was fucking nervous when it came time to do vocals and recorded the first song and thought it sounded like shit. after i got going things went smooth though. jeremy came over and did some guest vocals that are fucking amazing! holy crap it sounds good. so yeah, i did six songs in a few hours and it started to get late and my voice started getting shitty so we ran for the boarder and had some burritos with more guac that should be legal in washington.. that was an incredibly stupid way to put that. after that some people came over and hung out. i got a little too drunk and nodded off early and the rest of the guys went back to jeremys.
day three was a little hard to wake up form ha. we got going finished up the rest of the vocal stuff. jeff bryan and lucas all sang and sounded fucking rad! the rest of the day was spent getting all the stuff ready and adding all the clicks and whistles. we are all way proud of everything and siked for everyone to check it out.
also we got fleas from ahrens cat.
in all this was one of the best weekends of my life while long fucking great! ahren is fucking awesome. jeremy was great. it was good stuff. thanks guys.
night one we got to jeremys and fell asleep not too long after we got there around 3 in the morning and started morning one shortly after al 10am. we planned on doing four maybe five songs but we got the drums set up hella fast and anferny aced the five songs we originally set out to do in about an hour or so so he kept on trucking and turned out ten songs. jeff was up next and got through those ten songs super quick aswell. bryan got all set up started ricing off songs quick as shit too. he got about half way done before we called it quits for the day. after that it was pizza time! we ate and had some beer and kicked it pretty hard over a game of poker for the rest of the night.
day two bryan hauled balls through the rest of the songs as did lucas. i was fucking nervous when it came time to do vocals and recorded the first song and thought it sounded like shit. after i got going things went smooth though. jeremy came over and did some guest vocals that are fucking amazing! holy crap it sounds good. so yeah, i did six songs in a few hours and it started to get late and my voice started getting shitty so we ran for the boarder and had some burritos with more guac that should be legal in washington.. that was an incredibly stupid way to put that. after that some people came over and hung out. i got a little too drunk and nodded off early and the rest of the guys went back to jeremys.
day three was a little hard to wake up form ha. we got going finished up the rest of the vocal stuff. jeff bryan and lucas all sang and sounded fucking rad! the rest of the day was spent getting all the stuff ready and adding all the clicks and whistles. we are all way proud of everything and siked for everyone to check it out.
also we got fleas from ahrens cat.
in all this was one of the best weekends of my life while long fucking great! ahren is fucking awesome. jeremy was great. it was good stuff. thanks guys.
the deal as of now.
tomorrow after jeff gets off work.. aka after he gets off work then goes to ph wangs with bukkah.. we are heading up to tacoma to sleep on jeremys floor then get up the next day and record. we are going to spend three days recording four maybe five songs. those songs are going on an ep that will be out by our tour and some of the songs will be used for a split we are doing with behold for our tour. for the split we will be getting thirty tapes and fifty cds that we will split between the two bands. so yeah we are recording! then in about two weeks form now we are hitting the road for a little more than two weeks with behold! you can check out the dates on out myspace.
thats it for now. see you guys soon!
thats it for now. see you guys soon!
some stuff.. rocording and tour with behold.
recording 3rd 4th and 5th in tacoma.. for real this time. were gonna to 4 or 5 songs before our tour with behold that starts october 16th with behold. we are gonna head down california and up through colorado and idaho. its gonna be the best thing ever. ha we are so so fucking stoked. so yeah come october we are gonna have real recordings and will be on the road! anyway stay good.
'why are we here?'
"Why Are We Here?
he first hardcore show i saw in denver was killing kings rebuild and some other local denver bands at sox place. i dont remember much about that show aside from loving rebuild and ever sense answering, "the music and the message," every time someone would ask "why are you here." it was a line form a killing kings son that i got stuck in my head and repeated every chance i got.. you know me you get how bad i am about that haha. i never thought much about a music in hardcore.. all i saw was dudes that were hard as fuck. on the surface hardcore was gigantic dudes 'dancing' super hard when a breakdown would kick and other mammoth dudes running back and forth across the 'pit' into my face the rest of the time. bands i saw would sing about 'repping their streets' and fighting everyone. i swear to go i heard, "step it up you faggot pussies! rep your scene!" seventeen times a band every show. being hard was happenin'! quickly i began hardcore bands in a larger spectrum. everyonw and then i would hear a line in a song or hear the singer of a band say something that would make me think. i liked it. i started getting off on people or bands challenging me to think and question. i had heard some of it before from listening to punk rock for years but was too young to care at that point. i was hearing people talk about about things my parents and authoritative figures wouldnt tell me if they knew. reluctant to change my thinking or give another way of thinking a shot i began to look at some of these issues and ideas. i thought if people felt strongly enough to dump all their money into being able to scream their throat raw every night it was worth a look. these people began to push me to examine many areas of my life and challenged me too look for my own things to care enough about to look into. the words "the music and the message," made so much more sense to me now.. man thats hella corny but its true. i learned that punk rock and hardcore arent for main stream people.. but for people looking for something more and that could see through all the shit. these people arent scared to challenge anyones thoughts or come up with their own. punk rock and hardcore is one of the places kids can turn when they decide they dont want to live the drone lives they are told to. we dont give a fuck about mtv, the oc, what fox news or cnn are telling us. without that vial we can look at things in a different light.. or as they really are.
lets side step for a second. on tv, on the radio, on the street, and where we eat we are told what to be, how to look, what to say. all fucking day people are shoving shit down our throats! .. fuck bitches in the club, wear these clothes, eat fast food, consume, consume, consume, believer whatever any authority figure tells you and most importantly DONT ASK QUESTIONS. fuck all that shit right?
okay, half a step back to where we were. we are punk and hardcore we are better than all that consumer shit, right? we dont need all that garbage.. we dont want it, right?
anyway, the more i became familiar with hardcore the more i saw all this awesome shit that made me think and work harder and educate myself. i wanted more. i dove deeper and deeper and became fairly surrounded with it. i would have never guessed what i found.. did you guess it? haha i began to see the shit we so boastfully talk so much shit about hating. i got the vibe there were kids who hated mtv and the government because they were told to. the ideals of punk and hardcore became a fucking fashion. turns out there are standards and hierarchy.. and fuck bitches and get paid was there too. we need 'croosh' clothes too! you better get some banging swag if you want to move up in calss.. without that fresh gear you wont get any respect. "your not into vinyl.. what a dork." god damn it became hard for me to keep all the shit i was supposed to be doing straight haha. i saw people 'dancing' super hard not because they were oumped but because thats what you are supposed to do. oh shit, and they would make fun of other kids cause they didnt have 'tight moves!' and christ the fucking politics! people seem, too often, to forget that we are a community not a fucking class war. we 'hate' establishment but we build our own. we fuck away our self respect and whore ourselves for 'status' in the 'scene.'
fuck all this consumer driven shit! fuck having to fit a mold! fuck this mini version of the mainstream! i sometimes find it easy to get wrapped up in being pissed at all of this hypocrisy. i hate the lack of heart, the consumption as opposed to support the profit, the hierarchy, the bullshit, blah blah blah.. but every now and then someone rolls around and renews my faith in what we have. i find people to remind me to get out of my own ass and cool it cause there are people who (you guessed it) give a shit about (oh man cue the triumphant music and cheesy lines) the music and the message. haha. i cant tell you how much it means to me to find these people. kids that work hard to put on shows out of their love for punk rock and hardcore not for recognition. kids that work toward building a community. kids that push others to learn and question. kids that dont give a fuck and see through the stupid dumbshit politics and everything else. i truly feel that the punk rock and hardcore community is incredibly important. the worlds bullshit doesnt have a foothold here. this is one of the few places that people dont listen to whatever they are told. if punk and hardcore loses its sense of community, lack of conspicuous consumption, caring, and fearlessness of authority there will be less people to fight against these things and spread a knowledge of them and encouragement to ask questions. it scares the shit out of me to think that something so so important could be lost to nikes and bullshit. i do, however, have faith that we are strong and have enough people that give a shit to remain strong. i know that its is something worth holding onto.
dont get me wrong in all of this i dotn think im the shit by any means haha.
i also dont think that all songs should be about social change.. i love hangout songs! i just just feel we have something important and it needs to remain."
"Why Are We Here?
he first hardcore show i saw in denver was killing kings rebuild and some other local denver bands at sox place. i dont remember much about that show aside from loving rebuild and ever sense answering, "the music and the message," every time someone would ask "why are you here." it was a line form a killing kings son that i got stuck in my head and repeated every chance i got.. you know me you get how bad i am about that haha. i never thought much about a music in hardcore.. all i saw was dudes that were hard as fuck. on the surface hardcore was gigantic dudes 'dancing' super hard when a breakdown would kick and other mammoth dudes running back and forth across the 'pit' into my face the rest of the time. bands i saw would sing about 'repping their streets' and fighting everyone. i swear to go i heard, "step it up you faggot pussies! rep your scene!" seventeen times a band every show. being hard was happenin'! quickly i began hardcore bands in a larger spectrum. everyonw and then i would hear a line in a song or hear the singer of a band say something that would make me think. i liked it. i started getting off on people or bands challenging me to think and question. i had heard some of it before from listening to punk rock for years but was too young to care at that point. i was hearing people talk about about things my parents and authoritative figures wouldnt tell me if they knew. reluctant to change my thinking or give another way of thinking a shot i began to look at some of these issues and ideas. i thought if people felt strongly enough to dump all their money into being able to scream their throat raw every night it was worth a look. these people began to push me to examine many areas of my life and challenged me too look for my own things to care enough about to look into. the words "the music and the message," made so much more sense to me now.. man thats hella corny but its true. i learned that punk rock and hardcore arent for main stream people.. but for people looking for something more and that could see through all the shit. these people arent scared to challenge anyones thoughts or come up with their own. punk rock and hardcore is one of the places kids can turn when they decide they dont want to live the drone lives they are told to. we dont give a fuck about mtv, the oc, what fox news or cnn are telling us. without that vial we can look at things in a different light.. or as they really are.
lets side step for a second. on tv, on the radio, on the street, and where we eat we are told what to be, how to look, what to say. all fucking day people are shoving shit down our throats! .. fuck bitches in the club, wear these clothes, eat fast food, consume, consume, consume, believer whatever any authority figure tells you and most importantly DONT ASK QUESTIONS. fuck all that shit right?
okay, half a step back to where we were. we are punk and hardcore we are better than all that consumer shit, right? we dont need all that garbage.. we dont want it, right?
anyway, the more i became familiar with hardcore the more i saw all this awesome shit that made me think and work harder and educate myself. i wanted more. i dove deeper and deeper and became fairly surrounded with it. i would have never guessed what i found.. did you guess it? haha i began to see the shit we so boastfully talk so much shit about hating. i got the vibe there were kids who hated mtv and the government because they were told to. the ideals of punk and hardcore became a fucking fashion. turns out there are standards and hierarchy.. and fuck bitches and get paid was there too. we need 'croosh' clothes too! you better get some banging swag if you want to move up in calss.. without that fresh gear you wont get any respect. "your not into vinyl.. what a dork." god damn it became hard for me to keep all the shit i was supposed to be doing straight haha. i saw people 'dancing' super hard not because they were oumped but because thats what you are supposed to do. oh shit, and they would make fun of other kids cause they didnt have 'tight moves!' and christ the fucking politics! people seem, too often, to forget that we are a community not a fucking class war. we 'hate' establishment but we build our own. we fuck away our self respect and whore ourselves for 'status' in the 'scene.'
fuck all this consumer driven shit! fuck having to fit a mold! fuck this mini version of the mainstream! i sometimes find it easy to get wrapped up in being pissed at all of this hypocrisy. i hate the lack of heart, the consumption as opposed to support the profit, the hierarchy, the bullshit, blah blah blah.. but every now and then someone rolls around and renews my faith in what we have. i find people to remind me to get out of my own ass and cool it cause there are people who (you guessed it) give a shit about (oh man cue the triumphant music and cheesy lines) the music and the message. haha. i cant tell you how much it means to me to find these people. kids that work hard to put on shows out of their love for punk rock and hardcore not for recognition. kids that work toward building a community. kids that push others to learn and question. kids that dont give a fuck and see through the stupid dumbshit politics and everything else. i truly feel that the punk rock and hardcore community is incredibly important. the worlds bullshit doesnt have a foothold here. this is one of the few places that people dont listen to whatever they are told. if punk and hardcore loses its sense of community, lack of conspicuous consumption, caring, and fearlessness of authority there will be less people to fight against these things and spread a knowledge of them and encouragement to ask questions. it scares the shit out of me to think that something so so important could be lost to nikes and bullshit. i do, however, have faith that we are strong and have enough people that give a shit to remain strong. i know that its is something worth holding onto.
dont get me wrong in all of this i dotn think im the shit by any means haha.
i also dont think that all songs should be about social change.. i love hangout songs! i just just feel we have something important and it needs to remain."
saturday, august 23rd.
last night we played with our good friends never looking back. we have played with them many times before but last night was unreal. test start at the beginning. we were invited to play jeremy and justines wedding show in tacoma at the viaduct. jeremy sings for NLB and justine went on the tour we did with them (girlfriends are usually bad news but justine is the only girl i think that can be cool about it). we got to be friends with them and they wanted us to go to their wedding and play the show after! so we get to the wedding and are feeling a little weird cause we didnt know too many people and with and exception of twenty-something-year-olds kids we were the youngest ones there. we started talking and kicking it and started feeling great.. also jeff rolled up with some beers for us so we started having more fun haha. oh yeah haha.. we were lucas and i think jeff and me were over smoking by the van talking about how we wished there was more beer there and bam a truck rolls up and this dude asked us to help him grab some cases of beer. it was perfect. anyway.. the wedding was great and pretty. it was a bit hot but we had a great time. we are super excited for jeremy and justine. they are great people and very lucky to have each other and deserve to be happy. after the wedding we headed back over to joshes the drummer for NLB to hang out till the show and possibly sleep a little. we didnt get much sleep the night before cause jeff decided to go to PF changs with buckah after work theeen start driving.. so we didnt get there till around 4 in the morning. anyway some of us sleep some of us watch this old house or something and word p on joshes sister hahah. we headed to the show and started hanging out hard and had a great time. we played pretty well and even sold some shirts. before us was lion rider who played great and looked even better doing it! go check them out good dudes. a little while later this time next year played and blew us away! that band is fucking amazing and filled with amazing guys. it came time later after that for never looking backs last time to play. it started of with a chillen almost cover of beat it then straight into some ridiculously intense never looking back brand hardcore. they played 17 songs.. josh has never hit that hard i swear it was cool to see. jeremy said some real shit too he knows how to articulate feelings very well and i look up to him for it. they played better than i have ever seen. we are gonna miss the shit out of those dudes and gal. the are by far one of our favorite bands to come out of the northwest and some of our favorite people we have ever met. josh we are gonna miss you man! thanks for everything and always letting us stay at your house! jeremy and justine we are happy for you and hope you have killer luck! thanks NLB for all your help as a band.. you have helped us out a ton and we are grateful. thanks.
more than behold

also last night lucas struck again. ha i guess he has a thing for breaking the heads of singers in his band. i love the shit out of it even though it was my dome that got rocked. it kinda ended up with my face hands and tub being a bloody mess. anyway it was one of the most fun shows ever! i wish we were closer to the behold guys and rhea and jeff. anyway yeah go checkout behold.. watch the videos were gonna put up soon.. and help each other out.

photo by rhea b
"this is the piss 'n shit"
august 30th we will start to record our full length here in die shitty washington. should be good.. we like the songs. also thanks to the kids that watched us last night!
go listen to behold.
go listen to behold.
so as of now we have a million songs that are being finished up. we are planning on recording on recording a full length in july (knock on wood). anyway lucas took this today while we were practicing.
june first.
we are heading out east to spokane today to play with vanguard behold red tape wound up and whalalimb. we are super stoked to play this show.. especially after last nights home show. we got thrown on a show two days ago with this pop band from here and they decided to have us play last. as soon as we got done setting up every one including all of the bands with an exception of two members of mister orange went outside and maxed out while we played to five of our friends. the kicked is that only one of five of those kids were into hardcore. im super glad those kids came out and hung out.. they made the show worth playing and are super fun to hang out with. its best put that last night a tree fell in the woods.
tonight tough is spokane and playing spokane is the shit! im so stoked for cameron to come up and sing with us. i looove seeing jack sing. we get to hang out with matt! gonna see alex. i cant wait to see behold. . and vanguard again! tonight is going to be sick!
tonight tough is spokane and playing spokane is the shit! im so stoked for cameron to come up and sing with us. i looove seeing jack sing. we get to hang out with matt! gonna see alex. i cant wait to see behold. . and vanguard again! tonight is going to be sick!
rain fest.
the longest three days of our lives. we had a fucking awesome time seeing and playing with our friends and some of our favorite bands. everything went off without a hitch with the fest. thank you to everyone involved with the show. also thank you to our friends that hung out and watched us play.. it always means a ton to be playing and see a friends face. anyway we had a great time and are looking forward to our show this sunday with vanguard! im not too sure how we are going to get there though as our van is fucked in elensberg right now. jeffs dad is on the case though so hopefully it will be running like a champ in no time. thanks again to everyone who hung out and to everyone that put on a killer three days.
the summer of george.
right now we are supposed to be on the road in california but we had too many shaky shows to afford to not have a date filled. right now jobs are scarce and money is tight so having a show fall through would mean we would be stuck. im super bummed cause today was supposed to be doung a house show with jason then day after tomorrow a huge show. anyway we are still gonna be playing rainfest so its all good.
last night.. May 2nd
We got added to the show at rays last night with Riots of Eighty and We Are Monsters. We didnt expect for the show to be that great but it ended up being one of the funnest shows weve played. The first band We Are Monsters was okay then the second band Riots of Eighty started and blew us away. We had heard their recordings and thought they were talented but live they were amazing! their singer sounded so good.. He had an incredibly strong voice as did the other two guys that sang. It was also cool sing a four piece that had a singer that played guitar. Then after waiting for the promoters letting us play after what seemed like a million years of standing around after we got set up we ended up having a ton of fun! Thanks everyone for coming and hanging out it was way cool to see some friends from out of town and to see Lucas' mom and sister. haha We should have some pictures form that show soon.
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