So the night before last we played in yakima with a million bands (mortal remains was soo so so good and we were super bummed that riots of eighty didnt come) and had a fun time.. that was a good story. anyway some of that bands form that show were also playing in prosser the next night and we got added to the show.. turns out prosser is the smallest place ever next to lovelock nevada. 45 minutes into when we were supposed to start there were literally zero kids there. woah woah, let me back up.. we get there and go to load in our stuff and we look out across the vastness that was the stage into the forty plus rows of seats that sat right after the orchestra pit that was covered by plywood and a rug. so we get our suff set up on this ,at least, 50x30 stage and begin to feel incredibly out of place. after getting all ready we began looking for things to do for a few hours till we played so jeff and i went out to the skate park with this kid taner that was way to good at skateboarding for his age.. the rest of the dudes got some chinese food and bullshitted till we were about to play. a few minutes before we were gonna start about six kids showed up and took a seat in, probably, the fourth row back in the enormous auditorium. we got the go-ahead to start and began our first song about six times before we all og on the same page for what song we were playing after i announced us as spinaltap. the show was basically us fucking around, breaking the stage, running all the way around to the lobby with my cordless mic.. yeah we had cordless mics, us feeling weird about everything and saying stupid stupid shit between songs to the kids what we couldn't see due to the vast real estate between us and them. it was so fucking weird. anyway thanks cam for making it real and david for pictures and being you. go broncos.